Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Keywords Extracting from Text

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Word Stemming

  1. existing stemming method such as NLTK.PorterStem, etc.

  2. didn't -> did not, there's -> there is, etc. Mr. -> Mister Mrs. -> ... Ms. -> ...

Other things

  1. it seems that it is hard to get useful information using 1-gram

  2. URLs in text are often important and is relatively easy to extract.

  3. After handing URLs, you can replace "/" and "." with spaces to avoid confusing them with real long words.

  4. long words often contain useful information, however, you have to be careful about words of the form "and/or", etc. And do not confuse it with URLs.

  5. the idea of keeping upper/lower quantile (e.g., 5%) of long words, 2-grams, etc. is a very good idea
